8 Things Every Songwriter Should Accomplish Weekly

  1. Film and post three videos to TikTok, instagram Reels, and YouTube shorts. Quantity over quality is the game here! Get to posting and make those fans and those connections. 

  2. Attend a local show with a new artist. Songwriters need to network with other writers and artists in their scenes. Live shows are a great place to go to do this. The more people see your face around the more seriously they’ll take you. 

  3. Co-writing sessions. Co-writing is the way that music gets made these days. Make sure to prioritize writing in a co-writing setting with artists, producers, and songwriters you like. 

  4. Solo writing sessions. I aim for at least one of these per week. When you’re unilaterally co-writing, your unique voice can sometimes get lost in the sauce. Solo sessions help us to reintroduce ourselves to ourselves. 

  5. Planned exercises. Healthy body equals a healthy mind and a healthy mind equals a healthy creative flow! Get your body into a flow state so that your mind follows. 

  6. Coffee meetings with artists, songwriters, and publishers. Networking is just as important as talent. Get yourself out there, make connections with your music industry colleagues, and then leverage those relationships for greater success. 

  7. Daily journaling for 10 minutes straight. This is a practice that can help launch you into a more constant state of creative flow. Plus, whatever you write down can be used as fodder for future songs!

  8. Sleep! This goes without saying but you cannot be performing at your optimal creative output without getting rest for your body! 


The Case for a Movement Coach


June Songwriting Challenges