
It’s still January and that means we are still harnessing the power of the new year! Part of this year - for all songwriters on all rungs of the ladder - need to involve networking. I know I know, “networking” feels like a word of corporate nonspeaak that should not apply to music makers but, alas, it does. So here’s some effective ways of building your network in 2023. 

PRO Rep. If you have not made contact with a Performing Rights Organization representative - BMI, ASCAP, or SESAC - then I need you to fix that. Go to the website of your PRO and find a representative who fits your brand of music. Schedule a meeting with them and see If they can’t extend a few intros for you. Ideally, they’ll link you with new co-writers and publishers. 

Send out cold DM’s. This can be an effective strategy when you want to meet up with new writers or artists. Often times, people within your network (i.e. artists or co-writers who work with your friends will be receptive to the idea of hanging out or writing with you. Just make sure not to come in too hot. 

Cold e-mail. I’ll be honest, a cold e-mail to a publisher is a risk. But, with high risk comes high reward. Ensure that your e-mail is not very long, includes a link to your music, a short one or two sentence bio featuring your recent accomplishments, and a call-to-action (“would luv to schedule a time to meet for coffee in the coming weeks”). Follow-up e-mails are ok, but make sure to wait 10 business days before sending. 

Meet irl. Showcases around major music cities or shows in general are great places to meet music industry folk. If you’ve been doing your homework, you might recognize an agent or publisher or writer in the crowd. Music people love music shows. Don’t be afraid to say hi and offer to purchase someone a drink.

Ask friends for intros. Look, we all already have some sort of network. Do your best to exploit it! Offer introductions to your friends in exchange for introductions to people in their network. Let’s support each other as we spread our nets wide and far. 


Diversify Your Portfolio


Roles in a Room