I gave a TedX Talk!


TED Talks are influential videos from expert speakers on education, business, science, tech and creativity.

I gave my first Ted Talk on May 20, 2017

And this is how it happened.

On September 21, 2016 my event manager, Luke Yates, sent me information about sending in an audition tape for Tedx Paris on the subject “One Life”

Two days later on Sept 23, I had my right hip replaced and was out of commission for a few weeks.

The 3 minute audition video plus application were due on Oct 20.

You can see where this is going. On Monday Oct 17, I finally pulled myself together, body, mind and soul to complete the task.

My new intern, Dia Morgan, had not even started yet, but since she was also a videographer, she was tasked with her first assignment: make me look and sound good!

Well, 2 weeks later, Ben Sabry, the head of Tedx Paris, called, curious to who I was. He was fascinated by my idea (what specifically is the idea) and wanted to know more about me and how it came about. After an hour long Skype call, I satisfied his curiosity and he left me to hope I would be chosen.

The next morning he reached out for a quick call...to tell me that I had been chosen.

They usually only have 10 speakers, but they decided to buck tradition and make me the 11th.

They made room for me!

What? Crazy!

I am still in awe, of me.

My idea is for songwriting to become a staple in our education system; to empower children and help create a generation that will use their words to change the world.


Writing The Speech - TedX Talk Blog #2


The most expensive seat in the house