Content Creation Days

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Most artists do not have the itch to create content on a daily basis. And yet, we are frequently called to do so by short sided music industry professionals and the very real forces of the attention economy. Whether you like it or not, social media provides the most powerful tools you have to establish connections with fans. Therefore, TikTok, Instagram, Twitter, and the like all need to be a part of your marketing strategy. 

That said, you do not need to bog yourself down every day with the act of “creating content.” Creating content - making photos, videos and writing quips for your various social media site - is an activity that you can schedule in. Set a day each week when you can make a week’s worth of content to promote or post as the week goes on. 

On that day, set an objective for how much content you want to create. Do you want to make three TikTok videos that can be posted throughout the week? How many Instagram pictures can you take to satisfy your fans? Can you write 10 tweets that you can later copy and paste into your feed? Establishing a quantity based goal will help you sharpen your content creation focus.

This strategy works because it keeps us on track - both as a marketing force and as an artist. When we are forced to create content everyday, we take away valuable time that we can put towards making song, raising funds for music videos, or networking with other music industry professionals. Scheduling content creation for a single day helps you be thee most efficient professional that you can be and permit you to stay focused on your real goal: making art. 


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