5 Songwriting Prompts

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When we struggle to access our own stories as songwriting inspiration, we can tackle a songwriting prompt in order to keep things interesting. Here’s a few songwriting prompts that should help you get the creativity flowing. 

  1. Pick up a book from your own personal collection. Now, close your eyes. Turn to a random page and place your finger anywhere on the page. Read from the paragraph where you laid your finger. Write a song about what you found there.

  2. Imagine yourself at the end of your life. Write about what you’re feeling as you reflect on your life and look forward to the great beyond.

  3. Read through the last ten texts that you sent. Choose one of those texts and use one of them as your chorus lyric. Create a story around these lyrics ethers from your own life or from your own imagination.

  4. Choose your favorite song that you’ve ever written. Now, write a sequel to the song. What has happened to the characters you originally explored? Where is the plot now? How will the mood of the music change to fit this new reality you’re creating.

  5. Set your alarm for a few hours before your normal wake up time. Place your songwriting tools - pen, paper, computer, guitar, whatever they may be - next to your bed. The second that the alarm goes off start writing about the dream that you had that night.

If you’re in need of more songwriting prompts check out this list on Better Songs made by Grammy Award winning songwriter Jordan Reynolds.


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