Turkey Day Anthem Please
How was your Turkey Day? Mine had all the usual fixings: the bird, the gravy, the cranberry sauce, the family, the utterances of thankfulness, and maybe one too many glasses of wine. A joyous occasion. And yet….a publisher like me can’t help but be bummed out that - once again - a thanksgiving season has come and gone without a transcendent addition to a nearly empty catalogue of Thanksgiving songs.
Does Turkey not deserve an anthem? Does gratitude in November not tug at the heart strings? Does sour cranberry sauce not inspire creatives from across the continent? Do democrats and republicans don’t agree that eating food is good? There is no one on any political spectrum who would show disdain for a song about giving thanks?
This is my yearly lament. This is my cross to bear - to know that a slapping Turkey song is what this world needs and to be fully aware that creatives everywhere refuse to give it to us. So, I make a request: will you be that creative who gives Turkey its anthem? Will you pen the song that transforms Thanksgiving into a sonic landscape on par with Halloween and Christmas? What I wouldn’t give to the person who could make next Thanksgiving complete by providing an epic soundtrack to Thanksgiving dinner!
Still, despite this yearly drudgery I am thankful. Thankful for friends and family, for the community of 700+ songwriters who have attended my retreats over the years, thankful for ears that can listen to the way that young people are expanding what music can be. And, of course, dear reader I am thankful for you
For I know….
That one day soon…..
You will write THE Turkey Day Anthem I’ve been waiting for!