March Songwriting Challenges

  1. Inanimate Anthem: Personify an everyday object (like a toaster or a lamp) and write a song detailing its secret ambitions and feelings. Animated characters are often fashioned from these inanimate objects (Toy Story anyone?). Use songs from relevant cartoons or animated films to inspire you.

  2. Sensory Symphony: Compose a song that aims to evoke a specific sensory experience (taste, touch, smell) through music and lyrics. By evoking one—or all—of the five senses, we can put listeners in the moment.

  3. Time Signature Fusion: Create a song that fluidly navigates through multiple time signatures, showcasing complexity and rhythmic diversity.

  4. Biome Ballad: Craft a song inspired by a specific biome (e.g., rainforest, tundra) and its ecological elements, using sounds to mimic the environment. Think ASMR or sleepy time music!

  5. Word Tag: Get together with a co-writer and trade lines. Each line should begin with the word that ended the previous line.This exercises cohesiveness.

  6. Minimalist Mastery: Limit yourself to a small number of tracks (e.g., 4-8) and create a full, compelling song within those constraints.

  7. Sampling Challenge: Create a track using only samples you've recorded yourself, manipulating them to form the entire musical arrangement. Go out into the field and use your phone to record sounds of birds, crickets, cars, or whatever else is in your lived environment.

  8. Villain's Lament: Pen a song from the perspective of a classic villain, expressing their misunderstood emotions and motivations.

  9. Superhero Serenade: Switch it up nowWrite a song about the trials and triumphs of an unconventional superhero with unique but not-so-heroic powers.


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