January Songwriting Challenges

  1. Reverse Songwriting: Start with the chorus or bridge and work backward to create the verses. See how shifting where you start impacts how you end!

  2. Found Objects: Use random objects or items around you as inspiration for a song (e.g., a book title, a piece of furniture).

  3. Instrument Swap: Write a song for an instrument you're less familiar with or try composing without your primary instrument. If you don’t have another instrument to try, start with a beat you drum on your lap.

  4. Song Deconstruction: Take an existing song and reconstruct it into a completely different genre or style. Then amend the lyrics to be your own.

  5. One-Word Inspiration: Choose a single word and build an entire song around its meaning, emotions, or associations. A one-word chorus can go a long way….

  6. Silence as a Tool: Intentionally use moments of silence or space in your songwriting to enhance its impact.

  7. Personal Manifesto: Write a song that encapsulates your artistic manifesto, beliefs, and values as a songwriter.

  8. Uncommon Song Settings: Craft a song specifically tailored for a unique performance space (e.g., a cathedral, a cave, a moving vehicle). Consider what type of song might be useful in that space.

  9. Historical Retelling: Rewrite a historical event through song, adding a modern twist or alternative interpretation.

  10. Interview-Based Songwriting: Conduct interviews with people and use their stories, quotes, or experiences as the foundation for a song.


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