Songwriting Theory II: Hooks

Hooks! Hooks! Hooks! The people love their hooks. A hook is any element of a song that grabs people’s attention. Usually, a quick melodic motif that repeats throughout the song. In an attention economy like ours, it can be a great idea to incorporate a litany of hooks. Let’s look at Ariana Grande’s Thank U Next to understand the value of a variety of hooks.

One of my favorite hook tricks from Thank U, Next is the book-ended instrumental hook. Within in the first second of the song, you get an engaging synthesizer hook. It sets the tone of bittersweet melancholia that runs throughout the song. The hook repeats and repeats under the lead line but this initial exposure does a lot to capture attention. The exposed repetition of the hook with a different synthesizer in a higher register at the end of the song suggests that the narrator has moved to a different place. It is through this change in octave and book-ended placement that we get a sense of resolution.

The chorus itself is stacked with vocal hooks. Ariana’s first hook is a repetitive chanting. The lyrics “thank you next” are delivered with layered vocals giving us the impression that she is both communicating the idea for herself while being uplifted by others around her. It is immediately identifiable, in other words, you can sing this back on the first listen. We are then hooked by the 4th line of the chorus which hooks us in again with a descending melody and a curse word, “i’m so fucking greatful for my ex.” The rejection of a scorned lover break-up narrative into one of bittersweet understanding helps give this song its signature edge.

The second pre-chorus shows us the ways in which background vocals can provide us with layered hooks. Tiny chants of “yeah yeahs” are interspersed between Ariana’s lines. You can make out that the voices here are not her own. The hooks work to fill space and suggest that Ariana is, once again, being supported by a bigger crowd.

In the 2nd chorus and 3rd chorus we have quick post-choruses which repeat the title of the song. Once again “thank u next” makes an appearance, but this time with a different melody. We are captured yet again by a sticky melodic line without having to digest new lyrical information. This is an excellent strategy in a song with verses that demand a lot of engagement from the listener. These hooks create space between sections that, while equally pleasing, require more effort.

I’m amazed by this song every time I listen to it. It is truly A+ song craft. Ariana’s entire discography is a lesson in a hook writing but this song stands apart from the rest. I highly recommend listening to it. There’s one or two hooks I might not have mentioned! See if you can find out what they are.


All I Want For Christmas Is You


Songwriting Theory I: RPM