Healthy Choices for Songwriters
Health is wealth as they say. I am one of those folks who oft repeats this old adage. It is essential for the working songwriter to maintain a strong semblance of health. Our voices - our instruments - resides in the throat. The breath that powers those voices needs the undulation of the lungs. It is our fingers that stretch to play chords on the piano and guitar. Our brains need to run smoothly in order for us to churn out hit after hit.
The obvious health choices need apply to all songwriters: avoid smoking whenever possible, limit alcohol intake, exercise regularly, eat a healthy diet, etc. All of those are key. But there are a few extra things we should consider doing to maintain optimal performance.
Hydration is essential - water and decaf tea should be your go to choices. Although caffeine might perk us up in the morning, it will dry us out by mid-afternoon like any dietetic. Therefore, it is best to develop sleeping habits that will help you mitigate the need for that sweet morning bean juice. We need hydration in order to keep the vocal cords properly lubricated. Anything that might stymie that goal is our enemy.
On that same note, a singer-songwriter need be extra careful about what allergy medications they take. When allergy seasons rolls around and you start to feel that post-nasal drip begin to flare up, opt for net pots and Flonase. Clean out your sinuses and get something into them that will decrease inflammation. Again, avoid anything that works by dehydrating you (Claritin for instance).
When traveling long distances for tour, stick that mask around your face. When we develop sinus infections it can keep us from performing or lead to vocal damage so we need to do everything we can to prevent that. Chug vitamin c, eat healthy, and wear a mask. Washing your hands during tour - or any time really - is critical. The use of a humidifier in a hotel room can help your cords HYDRATED.
Singer-songwriters need to always be thinking about the health of their voices and bodies. It is when our health is aligned that we can give our best performances. Do what needs to be done to ensure proper hydration and bodily health.