February Songwriting Challenges

  1. Imagination Station: Create a song about your favorite imaginary place or adventure. Actualize the imaginary in melody.

  2. Seasonal Sensations: Describe your feelings and experiences associated with a particular season. Seasonal songs are great because they can be released at a specific time each year.

  3. Modal Exploration: Write a song using a specific musical mode (like Dorian, Mixolydian, etc.) and explore its unique mood.

  4. Extended Chords: Oftentimes, writers can get bogged down in basic minor or major triads. Experiment with seventh chords, ninth chords, or other extended chords to add richness to your song.

  5. Sound Palette: Create a song using a specific instrument or sound as the focal point (e.g., a vintage synth, a sampled field recording).

  6. Collaborative Remix: Take an existing song and create a remix or reinterpretation by adding your production elements and arrangement. If you’re a more lyric/meldoy focused writer, use an interpolated melody in your chorus.

  7. Conversational Tune: Write a song that feels like a conversation between two people. Give each person a different line, as if they’re trading bars or melodies.

  8. Hook-Centric: Develop a song focused primarily on a catchy hook or chorus, with a brief verse.

  9. Album Concept: Develop a song that fits into a larger album concept or thematic collection of songs. You can use one of your favorite albums to center the sound.

  10. Mini-Opera: Compose a song with different acts or sections, conveying a narrative or story arc…Bohemian Rhapsody anyone?


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