April Songwriting Challenges

  1. Write a song to your 16 year old self. What do they need to hear? What do you want to tell them

  2. Na Na Na sections can really capture global imaginations. Pen a song where the chorus is a hooky, single collection of “Na” syllables.

  3. Be a speed demon. Set a time for a half hour and aim to finish an entire song in that time frame. 

  4. Use Google Images as inspiration. Type literally any word into Google Images and see what pops up. Use one of the internet’s treasure trove of images as inspiration for a new song. 

  5. A song can be a conversation. Write a song with two main characters who trade lines back and forth. 

  6. Use relative keys. Write a song using a minor key in your chorus and the relative major key in your verses. If you don’t know what relative keys are this is a good time to look it up!

  7. There are so many public domain classical songs available. Many writers have used them to great success. Take a public domain instrumental and write a new lyric + melody toppling over it.

  8. Write the song you needed a year ago.

  9. Street names have often been used as the title of a song - “Cornelia Street” by Taylor Swift anyone? Use the name of the street you live on as the title of a new work.

  10. Use a random word generator and let the algorithm pick the title of your next song.


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