When A Good Song Comes Around

There are few joys like realizing you’ve written a song that you love. We tinker and toil on little nuggets of inspiration, trying our hardest to twist them into something meaningful and listenable. As artists, we experience success at varying degrees each time we attempt to paint melody onto air. When it finally happens, it’s hard to let go of that fleeting feeling. 

Many songwriters report that they know a song is great when they can’t help but listen to a song over and over again. They are almost held captive by their own work - transfixed. They play the demo morning, noon, and night - analyzing all the little tidbits of their work that they have fallen in love with. A heart beat quickens. Cheeks blush. Relief rushes over us each time we truly do it. 

Sometimes writing a great song is a double edged sword. You spend so long chasing one that - once you do - you’re immediately paralyzed by the fear that you won’t be able to write another one like it. You may find yourself asking if this is the last time you’ll write a song you love. I encourage you to silence that voice as much as possible. Focus instead on the joy of creation and the realization that YOU are capable of writing something extraordinary.

I could wax poetic about this feeling all day. It’s like a bolt of lighting that bleeds into the days to come. I encourage you to hold onto it when everything that bolt of lightning strikes.


Turkey Day Hits


November Writing Challenges