
Morning sunrise at the dog park. No touch up

Morning sunrise at the dog park. No touch up


Chapter 7 of my first book, The Songwriters Survival Guide, is all about self-motivation. In these times of quarantine and confinement, which may last up to two months, motivation is exactly what we all need. Our daily rituals, routines, and addictions have all but gone away. In their place we are left without outside influences and obligations. Excluding medical workers and essential industry workers, most of us will be at our own mercy to fill the time. This is a big opportunity to take charge of our own lives.

For those looking for silver linings in these trying times, the virus is causing us to reevaluate. We’re all forced to take stock and reconsider how we’ve been living our lives. With all this time for reflection, we’re asking ourselves how our jobs, leisure time, and routines are serving us.

I have been preaching to my community for years about the importance of having control over our bodies, minds, and souls. To be conscious about what we put in our bodies, to not overtax our minds, and to sing to our souls are essential practices. I hope you have been applying those concepts as best you can. And, if you have not it is up to you to motivate yourself to get up every morning and continue your path. We have ten days to two months of isolation. What do you plan to do with that time?

One of the best tools of self motivation is putting a schedule in place. And, now more than ever, you can create your own. Here are a few of my suggestions: get up and go to bed at the same time every day, learn something, brush up on your instrument through youtube videos, co-write via Zoom, perform full body exercises indoors, and put a meal plan in place.

I am sharing Chapter 7 of my book below so you can start this time with new practices that will take you into the future. Since life as we know it will never be the same, ask yourself, it you were the one chosen to create a new world that you would love to live in, what would it look like?

It’s a great time to dream.

#7 SET YOUR MIND TO IT: Self-Motivation

People often say that motivation doesn't last. Well, neither does bathing - that's why we recommend it daily. - Zig Ziglar

Did you know that self-motivation is a mindset? You have a choice, even when you don’t think you do. You can take matters into your owns hands and make a plan.

How do you create a new mindset? Having a positive attitude that will support you on your journey is key. It will get hard along the way, and it’s especially in those difficult times that you should be able to give yourself a pep talk, looking at yourself in the mirror and telling yourself, “You can do this!”

Like the example from Chapter 1 of doing handstands even when you don’t think you can, you need to find ways to gain the confidence that you can achieve your goals.

Self-motivation is what drives you to accomplish your goals. It is the essential tool for realizing your dreams.

Here are two basic methods of self-motivation that I personally have found to be effective.

Intrinsic - The internal desire to engage in an activity or perform a behavior for no reason other than the pure enjoyment of developing a skill or learning new material.

Extrinsic - External factors that prompt you to engage in an activity or perform a behavior in order to earn a reward or avoid a punishment.

Ask yourself: What is your true intention? Are you generally more motivated by praise from others, or do you do something because it is personally rewarding? Do you play a sport because you love the sport itself, or because you might win an award? Maybe the answer is a bit of both, but it’s important to be aware of what drives you.

Now let’s take a look at how you motivate yourself

Start small - Don’t overwhelm yourself with too much, too soon. Start with setting up one co-writing session a week, not five!

Track your progress - This will imbue you with the sense of purpose you need to keep going. It shows you the positive outcomes of your hard work, and that can drive you closer to your goals.

Be kind to yourself - During this process, it is very important that you remember to take breaks. Go for a long walk, forgive yourself for making mistakes, and reward yourself when you complete an important task. For example, when I finish this book, I am treating myself to a long massage!

Lastly, how do you keep yourself on track?

Challenge yourself. Make a bet with yourself and keep it!

Keep learning. Getting restless? It may be a great time to enroll in a class that will spark new ideas.

Surround yourself with others who are going to encourage and support your vision.

Ask yourself one last question: are you hungry to be a great songwriter? The answer has to be a loud and joyful “YES”, because you have to want to be a songwriter more than anybody else does. Your need to succeed will have to be greater than your fear of failing.

True story: Katy Perry fully embodies the ethos of self-motivation. The majority of my time with her was spent during the period of uncertainty that came between the end of her first record deal and her blow-up debut. During this interval, she was taking some much-needed time to focus on self-development.

Katy had spent years trying to please record executives with her music so that it would get released. But no matter what she did, they always sent her back to the drawing board to do it again.

I resonated with Katy when she would lament not being heard by those who were supposed to be helping to lead her career, and I knew that my responsibility to her extended to not only sharing my knowledge and experience of the music business, but also with imparting how she as an individual could gain her own power.

Whenever I would guide her, be it on a small issue or a serious problem, she listened with surround sound, integrated my suggestions into her life, and benefited from the imparted knowledge in some way. Each time, she took a step closer to being a little happier and more secure about where she was going and how she was going to get there. And believe me, it didn’t take long, because when she finally stopped and listened to herself, she found that she knew exactly what she wanted!

Katy wants her life and career to happen on her own terms, and in her heart, she knows that she is the only person who can make that happen. She has found her personal power in her self-love, by first giving herself what she needs, knowing that only when she is happy and fulfilled can she give of herself to those around her.

Katy now has millions of people who share in her vision that she has created. They uphold it for her every day, making it easier in the long run for her to achieve the life she always dreamed of.

Judy’s Must- Read: The Four Agreements by don Miguel Ruiz gives you great principles to practice in your life.

To self-motivate, ask yourself what you want and how you’re going to get it.

1. Add structure to your day. Having a set routine is a recipe for productivity.

This is what works for me. I have taken the decision-making into my own hands, and I choose to wake up at the same time each morning (6:30 am). This allows me to know what to expect, and so I can plan my day accordingly, saving me time in the long run.

2. Instill discipline. Start every day with a mantra, some time for meditation, or a simple walk. It is through the consistency of your actions and your routine that you will see results.

I like to start my day with the following prayer from Ho’oponopono, an ancient healing practice of forgiveness from Hawaii practiced throughout Polynesian cultures:

I’m sorry, forgive me, thank you, I love you.

What are three things that you can commit to? Some examples could be a daily walk, practicing yoga once a week, or regular vocal toning in the car on your way to work or school.

3. Gain flexibility. You don’t have to do things the way they’ve always been done. Your imagination is your consciousness with intent!

At one time, giving away a single download of a song for free was unheard of, until one promotion executive had the idea to give fans a token of thanks (and, more importantly, to use this as a way to promote the artist’s latest album). Breaking rules and being in more than one project paved the way for Joy Williams to go from being a solo artist to part of The Civil Wars, and then back to a solo career!

Come up with three innovative ideas of your own, then go for it as if no one is looking and no one is holding you back. Use your intention to fuel your imagination. That’s when the magic happens.

4. Be committed. Remember why you are doing this in the first place. Write your intentions down in a journal and revisit it often to keep your focus.

5. Have fun! Reward yourself from time to time, and don’t forget to enjoy the creative process.



